Tuesday, November 8, 2011

St. Albert Optimist Club 30th Anniversary

The hard working Optimists from the St. Albert Optimist Club are celebrating their 30th anniversary with a special dinner.  Everyone is invited to attend:

Date:  November 26th at 6 PM

Location:  Eagles hall, 23 Rowland Crescent in Riel Park in St. Albert

Cost:  $25 / person

Join them for a turkey dinner and good fellowship.

RSVP to Glen Kreller - Contact Glen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

2011-12 Scholarship Topics Announced

The topics for the Optimist International Scholarship competitions have been announced:


"How my Positive Outlook Benefits my Community"

Oratorical & CCDHH

"How my Optimism Helps me Overcome Obstacles"

Clubs are free to run a club-level competition to select winners to move on to the applicable Zone, Regional and District level competions. Clubs can award monetary awards of up to $500 per winner for each competition.
There are club level planning guides available for each competition:
Garnering interest in Oratorical competitions has been difficult in recent years so clubs may want to consider approaching elementary schools (grades 5 & 6) to start a "Kids Speak Out" program or club.
The following online resources are available:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Giving 100% ... and then some

Meet our new OI President, Jack Creswell as he explains our mission for the coming year.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2011-12 Zone and District Meeting Dates

2011-12 Lt. Gov.
Peggy Dick
At the 4th Quarter Zone Meeting held in Leduc on September 17th, incoming Lieutenant Governor (LG) Peggy Dick announced that the Zone meetings for the coming year will be held:
  • 1st Quarter Zone Meeting – Nov 19, 2011 in St. Albert, hosted by the St. Albert Optimist Club in conjunction with their 30th Anniversary.
  • 2nd Quarter Zone Meeting – Jan 28th, 2012 in Edmonton, hosted by the Edmonton Dinner Optimist Club.  The District Growth Team will be attending to participate in the meeting.  Clubs are asked to encourage maximum member participation.
  • 3rd Quarter Zone Meeting -  Apr 14th, 2012 in Edmonton, hosted by the Edmonton Beverly Optimist Club.  We will be electing the incoming LG for 2012-13.
  • 4th Quarter Zone Meeting -  Sep 22nd, 2012 in Leduc, hosted by the Leduc-Black Gold Optimist Club.  LG Peggy will handing over to the incoming LG for 2012-13.
2011-12 Gov
Ted Huber
Incoming Governor Ted Huber announced the schedule for the 2011-12  District Conferences and Workshops:
  • 1st Quarter District Conference - Great Falls, MT – 28-29 Oct 2011
  • 2nd Quarter District Conference - Havre, MT - 24-25 Feb 2012
  • 3rd Quarter District Conference and Oratorical Contest - Calgary, AB - 11-12 May 2012
  • 2012 Annual District Convention - Red Deer, AB - 15-18 Aug 2012

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4th Quarter Zone Meeting in Leduc

DTeam-Trevor-Adair23 Optimists from the Optimist clubs in the Alberta Capital Region Zone attended the 4th quarter Zone meeting on Saturday, September 17th, at the Leduc Legion, hosted by the Leduc-Black Gold Optimist Club.

The Edmonton Beverly, Edmonton BrailTone, Edmonton Dinner, Leduc-Black Gold and both St. Albert Clubs reported on there summer activities and planned fall events.

Lt. Gov Trevor thanked everyone who helped him throughout the last year and presented Tim Horton coffee cards. The Presidents in turn congratulated him on a successful year.
LG-Zone-5This meeting featured outgoing Lieutenant Governor Trevor passing the Zone reigns on to incoming Lieutenant Governor Peggy Dick.

Opt Peggy identified that we need Membership Maintenance and handed out M&M’s candy to promote this.

Opt Peggy also introduced the concept of getting all the Zone clubs to participate in a Zone community service project and write a multi-club CPA.  She introduced the “Give Care to Kids” project which is seeking to replace worn-out toys and items in both of the kids playrooms at the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

A delicious lunch of soup and sandwiches followed and our traditional horse shoe toss followed.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Web Service Changes for Zone 5

Effective September 2, 2011, the internet domain acr-optimist.org has been disabled and the website www.acr-optimist.org has been taken off-line.

Retired Alberta Capital Region Optimists (Zone 5) website

After careful review of the website log files, it was evident that there have been no visitors to that website in about a year.  What does this mean: