Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2010-11 Scholarship Competition Topics Announced

The topics for the 2010-11 Optimist International Scholarship competitions have been announced:


"How My Education is the Key to a Successful Future"

Oratorical & CCDHH

"If I Were Leader of the Free World, the First Issue I Would Address Would be ... "

Clubs are free to run a club-level competition to select winners to move on to the applicable Zone, Regional and District level competitions. Clubs can award monetary awards of up to $500 per winner for each competition.

2010-11 Distrct Team Appointments Announced

Our Governor Tim Bell is pleased to announce the following appointments of Zone 5 members to the 2010-11 District Team:
  • Zone 5 Lieutenant Governor - Opt Trevor Adair (Leduc Black-Gold)
  • District Supplies - Opt Brian Wallace (Edmonton Dinner Club)
  • District CCDHH Chair - Opt Wyn McAra (Edmonton Dinner)
  • District JOOI Chair - Opt Lee Weiszhaar (St. Albert Club)
  • District Web Services Chair - Opt Gord Welling (St. Albert Breakfast Club)
Our congratulations are extended to Trevor, Brian, Wyn, Lee and Gord and best wishes on your contributions to a very successful year.