Monday, November 2, 2015

November Zone Meeting

Lt. Governor Glen Kreller has called his first zone meeting to be held on November2l at lpm. The meeting will be held at held in the Continental Inn,16625 Stony Plain Road. This meeting will be hosted by the St. Albert Optimist Club. All Optimists are urged to attend this meeting as important information on Optimist activities in our zone are conveyed and District and International news is also presented.  Many Optimist from our District will be attending Edmonton Dinner's 90th Anniversary and will also be attending the Zone meeting.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

District Meetings for 2015 - 16

Hi everyone!

A few of you have asked for the dates of my District Meetings for 2015 - 16 so you can plan accordingly.   Here they are:

October 2 & 3, 2015 Red Deer, AB
February 5 & 6, 2016  Great Falls, MT
April 29 & 30, 2016  Saskatoon, SK
August 18 - 20, 2016  Medicine Hat, AB

Please block off these dates and plan to attend these events.  And bring as many club members as possible!

Have a fabulous day!
Gov Elect Edie 


Monday, July 13, 2015

Governor's Gala a Success

About 200 Optimists attended a fantastic gala. Food was great and entertainment was dueling great! Many thanks to the many out of town, out of Province and even out of Country Guests. Governor - Elect Edie is thrilled of her upcoming year and just back from the International Convention in NEW ORLEANS!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

September 19, 2015 Zone meeting

The next Zone Meeting will be held on Sept 19, 2015 at 2pm. This will be held in Leduc at the Leduc Legion 5210-50 Ave. Following the meeting will be our Horse Shoe Tournament. This will be held in conjunction with the Leduc Black Gold's 20th Anniversary. Cocktails at 5pm Dinner to follow 6pm. If you are interested in attending the Dinner Contact Brian Wallace by email Tickets are $30 each or $55 per couple.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Successful Zone meeting

  • Today a most successful zone meeting was held with over 30 attending and all clubs represented.
  • The safety prersentation was well received.
  • All Clubs gave excellent reports.
  • Congratulations to Lt. Gov. Elect Glen
  • Tasty lunch was enjoyed by all

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 25th Zone Meeting

Our 3rd quarter zone meeting will be held 25 April 2015 at 8:45 a.m. at he Jasper Place Sherwood Community Hall. 9620-152 St. Edmonton,AB 

We will be holding L.G. elections that morning.
The zone meeting is being sponsored by the Edmonton Dinner Optimist Club. I'd like to thank them for hosting this zone meeting. Lunch will immediately follow the meeting because there is another function following ours.
One other request. If anybody has any spare time on 3,4,5, April 2015 to help with the International
Juvenile Curling it would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact Optimist Clint at (780) 434-7133 .

Thank you
L.G. Marvin

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Optimist International U-18 Curling

Hello everyone.  The Optimist International  Curling U-18 Playdowns are  here.  The Event Schedule covers from Tuesday March 31st til Monday April 6th.  Below is a capsule view of what is happening and the times.  We do need our members, along with members from the other Optimist Clubs to be on hand at different times to do different things.  Please look the schedule over and call Optimist Clint at 780-434-7133 and let him know where you can fit in.  As this is Easter Weekend as well as Spring Break for the School kids, it could be tough for some of you to help out, but we ask that you try.  This event is 'Optimists in Action'.

Visit facebook and twitter sites for the latest news.

2015 Optimist U18 International Curling Championships

Tuesday March 31st -- All Day -- Some team arrivals -- They are on their own

Wednesday April 1st -- Practicing, Meeting, Picture Taking at both Rinks,
Jasper & Saville

Thursday April 2nd -- The teams will be doing things all day
                                        6:00PM Opening Ceremonies at Jasper
Place Curling Rink
                                        7:00PM Draw #1 at Jasper Place
Curling Rink
                                        7:30PM Draw #1 at Saville Curling

Friday April 4th --          9:00AM Draw #2 at Jasper Place Curling Rink
                                         9:00AM Draw #2 at Saville Curling

                                         7:30PM Draw #3 at Jasper Place
Curling Rink
                                         7:30PM Draw #3 At Saville Curling

Saturday April 4th --        9:00AM Draw #4 at Jasper Place Curling Rink
                                           9:00AM Draw #4 at Saville Curling

                                            1:00PM Draw #5 at Jasper Place
Curling Rink
                                            1:00PM Draw #5 at Saville
Curling Rink

                                            6:00PM Banquet at the Hotel.
Talk to Clint if you wish to attend the banquet

Sunday April 5th --            9:30AM Semi-finals (All Teams) at Jasper
Place Curling Rink
                                            10:00AM Semi-finals (All Teams)
at Saville Curling Rink

                                            2:00PM Finals (All Teams) at
Jasper Place Curling Rink
                                            2:30PM Finals (All Teams) At
Saville Curling Rink

                                            5:00PM Closing Ceremonies at
Saville Curling Rink

Monday April 6th --            Teams that did not leave on Sunday Night will
be departing all day.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Farewell to Wyn McAra

Remember Wyn McAra
Fellow Optimists,

It is with a lot of sadness that I must advise you that Wyn McAra passed away on March 27th at the age of 94.

Wyn has served as guiding light in Optimists International for decades, giving of her time and talent to many projects including helping with blind and hard of sight members in the Brailtone Club, and spearheading many public speaking competitions including serving several years as the District Chair for the Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH).  Just think of how many kids have been helped by her efforts over the years.

Wyn always had a smile and a kind word for her friends, always generous with her time and her talent.  She will be remembered as a lady of warmth and grace and a sense of purpose to help make the world a better place for youth.

I have been advised by Wyn's family that the funeral services will take place at 11AMon Saturday Morning April 4th/15 in Highlands United Church 11305 - 64 Street, there will be a light lunch and refreshments downstairs following the service.

Please forward this to all who might have known Wyn.


Keivin Wallace
Past Governor